How to Fix Flashing Red Light on Deco?
Seeing a flashing red light on your TP-Link Deco can be frustrating, but don’t worry—it’s just the device’s way of telling you something’s wrong. This usually happens when your Deco isn’t connecting to the internet or having trouble linking with other Deco units. Luckily, there are a few common reasons behind flashing red light on Deco, and with the right steps, you can get things back up and running in no time.
Top Reasons Why Your deco flashing red light
- Networking devices are not connected to home network.
- Deco units are placed far away from each other.
- Units are powered on optimal locations in your house.
Steps to Fix Deco Flashing Red Light
Make Sure Deco Units are Connected
You should check that all the Deco units connected to each other and receiving internet signals from ISP or modem. The Deco router node must be connected with the modem via Ethernet cable and cable should be in good condition. The Deco child units will connect to the Deco router node, make sure these nodes connected using app.
Relocate Deco Satellites on Different Spot
Make sure that Deco satellite units are connected to the router node and are connected within the router reach. If not, then place the unit close to each other and then connect them again.
Place Deco Units Away From Electronic Devices
Also make sure that the deco units are place and powered on at different location far away from the electronic devices like microwave ovens. So, while setting up your Deco device choose any optimal location in your house.
Reboot Deco Units
After applying all the troubleshooting tips and not finding any solution, in this case, you can reboot the devices.
- Method one is pressing the power button twice to reboot.
- Method two is plug out the device adapter from socket and plug it in again to turn it on.
Reset From Deco App or Manually
The factory reset process used when all the solutions are failed to fix the problem. The reset process will clear out all the data from the device and after that, you have to configure the device again via app or tplinkdeco.net.
Via App
- Log in to the Deco app.
- Select the More option and select the device you want to reset.
- Tap on the Settings and touch Remove button to reset the device.
Via Manually
- Press and hold the reset pinhole button about 5-10 seconds.
- You have to use the Sharp object to hold.
- Just release it and reset process will start.
Hope, this will fix the flashing red light on Deco and you can use the internet services in your home.